We practice quality!
EZ2 Technologies provides IT Staffing and Consulting services for the following technologies:
E-Commerce: MS Site/Commerce Server, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript
Development HTML/DHTML, CGI, Java
Client Server: UML, Rational Suite, CORBA, COM/DCOM, Visual Basic, Power Builder, Delphi , Java, C/C++
ERP solution: SAP
Database & DW: Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, Informatica, Cognos, Brio, ETI, Ardent
Mainframe: IBM, MVS/XA, TSO, ISPF, JCL, CICS, CSP, CSP, DB2, SQL, VSAM, COBOL, Case Tools, All Databases DB2, IMS, IDMS, ADABAS)
Infrastructure: Switches (Cisco, Cabletron, Nortel), Hubs (Nortel, Cabletron), Routers (Cisco, Nortel), Gateways, Desktops, Applications Servers ( Solaris , NT , HPUX, RS/6000), Web Servers (Netscape, Apache, IIS), File and Print Servers ( Novell , NT , Linux)
Systems Mgmnt: Tivoli , SMS, Marimba, BackWeb, LanDesk
Workgroup: Lotus Notes/Domino, MS Exchange
As EZ2 Tech continues to grow in each industry we'll seek more specialists to help fulfill the needs of our customers. EZ2 Tech is interested in valuable partnerships for the following areas:
Systems Implementation
Consulting / Industry Expertise
Software Applications
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